Friday, October 20, 2006

Another Phase of CDS

The article worth you to read is talked about "CDS Raises Insider Trading Issues"〈〉.

Timothy Johnson said "If you want to get access to information private banks have, you go and buy a piece of a bank loan."

Hedge funds are less regulated till now, if they buy credit derivatives from banks then accessing to some confidential information that not publicly announced yet. You guess what the Hedge Funds would do. In the name of profits, Hedge Funds would utilize the information in the gains on investment.

Reference:GARP Risk News

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Second Life

There’s a wonderful place for schizoid.

A kingdom called “Second Life”. Its GDP estimates to come to USD 60 million this year. There are 835,345 registered residents a minute ago. It’s a cyber space locates on

Last week the Economist had a special report talked about this metaverse. Where you could duplicate yourself or create an avatar then live with others.

We will have a five-day holiday. Maybe we could register as a resident of Second Life and have a cyber me instead to lavish our vacation. It might be a good place to find out if we have entrepreneur intent without real world risk but the time endeavor. According to Economist, the top 10 business of Second Life had profits around USD 200,000 a year. Have a try. The entrepreneurs in we may find the way to peak in another world.


Monday, October 02, 2006


今天晚上睡不著, 不曉得是自己調的那杯伏特加的關係, 還是因為對未來的不確定, 抑或是資訊的焦慮...等, 竟令平常10分鐘就會入睡的我難以入眠.

我這個人啊, 愛看書, 大學的時候舉凡葡萄酒, 咖啡, 建築, 古典音樂, 西洋藝術, 社會心理學, 現代散文, 財經....等的書籍我都有涉獵, 因此常常自嘲自己有資訊焦慮症.

出社會後有了些許的修正, 因為自己做的是法人金融, 所以財經類的書籍漸漸的佔據了我80%以上的閱讀時間, 我的閱讀領域便窄了, 焦慮減輕了, 但是我花了更多的時間閱讀. 因為財經與管理是與時俱進甚至是呈等比的成長, 於是多年後我的焦慮又加升了.

去年考上FRM, 這使我不斷地去涉獵相關領域的知識, 但我似乎對於我本業—法人放款--的部分並沒有相對地進步, 譬如說我財務分析的技巧並沒有比我2001年的時候好太多;
我的金融常識足夠甚至超越一般法人金融的AO, 但我發覺我在法人業務上的基本技巧並沒有長足的進步,maybe it's time to back to the basic.

或許這是我今天晚上失眠的原因, 因為在酒精的作用下我才會停止吸收新知而對自我做一些反省.

我想今後我最常看的書應該換成公開說明書和年報才是, 務求對每一個數字的產生都要保持高度的敏銳.

再寫下這篇文章的同時我又喝了一杯自調的特濃自殺飛機, 但在文章的結尾, 睡意依舊無法襲人.