Monday, April 23, 2007

The pursuit of wealthiest

Two month ago, our CEO gives all his employees two movie tickets for us to see “ The Pursuit of Happyness”.

Why this film would be recommended by my boss? Maybe it’s the movie that casts business in a good light, talks about the merits of capitalism, tells a story of a man struggling against homelessness and the importance of fatherhood, suggests happiness not only a brief illusion but something long-lasting, and etc.

The scene and the lines echoed after I saw the preview, it said” If you have a dream. Go and get it.”

I have a dream; I wish it could be realized some day. While I had never suffer the hardship like Chris Gardner, but I just want to say that he did chose the right path to become rich. To be a trader is not an easy way to go, but worth try.

In the year 2005, James Simons grabbed the biggest profits as the top trader. But the globe is getting more turbulent nowadays. Last year Brian Hunter tumbled with Amaranth in the wrong direction of natural gas prices, but John Arnold outnumbered the rest of traders in the opposite direction of Arnold. The estimated income of Arnold comes to 1.5 to 2 billion; he earned roughly 300 times the bonus of Goldman CEO.

To the pursuits, it’s a never ending game to become the wealthiest, besides you could become the happiest if you got the faith in yourself. The faith lies in the knowledge pursuing would bear the fruits of wealth growing.




當然每個人在電影過後都有了不同的啟示。男主角很聰明沒錯,雖然魔術方塊那一段是應威爾史密斯的要求才加進去的,但Chris Gardner選擇不當醫生而想從事證券交易員致富證實是正確的。

因為真正的打工皇帝就是這群交易員們,在2005年前百大交易員平均的年薪是3.63億美元;2006年高盛證券CEO的年薪為5340萬美元,但這樣的薪水只是跨入百大交易員的門檻而已。去年最會賺錢的交易員是John Arnold,他去年的收入預估在15至20億美元,但2005年的冠軍James Simons在去年的收入也是不惶多讓。

當然想要成為其中的一員除了要有很強的抗壓性外、不然就是有異於常人市場敏銳度、還有就是數學不能太差--不然怎麼唬人。John Arnold今年33歲,看來有生之年我是趕不上他了;James Simons今年68歲,可是他是個數學博士,看樣子要花很大的工夫才有辦法在跟他年紀一樣大的時候還能日進斗金。

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